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jd lyonhart


Jonathan Lyonhart (PhD, Cambridge) is a British-Canadian theologian, philosopher, author, and ordained minister, as well as an advocate for the Learning Disabled and Neurodiverse. He is an Associate Professor of Christianity and Philosophy at the University of Jamestown, a Fellow at the Cambridge Center for the Study of Platonism at Cambridge University, and a co-host of the Spiritually Incorrect Podcast ( Additionally, he founded The NumiNous Institute for Faith and Neurodiversity (, after having struggled his whole life with multiple learning disabilities, including Dysgraphia (the lesser known cousin of Dyslexia). 

Cambridge University
Numinous Institute
University of Jamestonw
Spiritually Incorrect Podcast
Anchor 1
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The Journey of God - Stuff (3).png
The Journey of God - Stuff (4).png

The Journey of God is an exploration into the rich tapestry of Christianity, designed to captivate both the mind and soul. The Journey of God transcends traditional theology, weaving a compelling narrative that journeys through the six pivotal acts of the Christian story―Creation, Fall, Nation, Redemption, Church, and Eschaton. Each chapter unfurls as part novel, part sermon, and part philosophical inquiry, challenging readers to engage with deep theological questions in the order they naturally arise. With creative storytelling elements, such as dramatic dialogues from the perspective of Moses and lively townhall debates on atonement, The Journey of God promises to leave your heart racing and your mind pondering long after you've turned the last page.

Ideal for clergy, scholars, and curious laypeople alike, The Journey of God invites you to deepen your understanding and devotion while reflecting on the intertwined narratives of faith and reason. Whether used in seminary classrooms, churches, or personal study, The Journey of God stands as a contemporary, refreshing introduction to Christianity, equipped to inspire and educate across generations.

Space God by Jd Lyonhart

“A brilliant book . . . an important contribution to the history of ideas and philosophical theology.” 

—Charles Taliaferro, professor emeritus of philosophy, St. Olaf College 

 “Lyonhart’s work is both stimulating and provocative. One’s perception of space will definitely be expanded.”

—Gerald Cleaver, professor of physics, Baylor University


"A superb book . . . remarkable for the breadth and depth of learning that Jonathan Lyonhart exhibits.”

—Sir Colin Humphreys, professor of material science, Queen Mary University

MonoThreeism by Jd Lyonhart

"Jonathan Lyonhart has produced an entertaining & vivid guide to the Triune God... He has truly succeeded in rendering its more technical aspects accessible to the ordinary reader without surrendering its inaccessible mystery & its invitation to wonder."
—John Milbank, author of Theology and Social Theory


"a fearless young theologian… The message of this book is worthwhile, indeed vital, for all humanity. It is both entertaining and enlightening."—Ross Hastings, Regent College

"An eccentric masterpiece." —T. W. S. Hunt, author of Winter with God


“A rare jewel that will make you laugh as hard as it will make you think." —Mark Moore, author of Core 52

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Jonathan Lyonhart - Monothreeism (Trinity at the Pub)

Jonathan Lyonhart - Monothreeism (Trinity at the Pub)

Source: Episode: In this episode Chris Tilling interviews Jonathan Lyonhart about his new book, MonoThreeism: An Absurdly Arrogant Attempt to Answer All the Problems of the Last 2000 Years in One Night at a Pub. This is one unique book! By using the genre of a script with stage performance cues and three main protagonists, Lyonhart presents an elegant, witty, and clever case for the Trinity as the key to engaging the most significant challenges to Christian faith. In fact, by means of the character Idi, thirteen objections to Christian faith are listed and then tackled, but not in a way that you might expect. In a conversational yet philosophically sophisticated manner, the book covers such ground as the Trinity, the incarnation, the nature of free will and responsibility, the problem of the soul and the problem of evil, world religions, Feuerbach, morality, patriarchy, and more besides! Guest: Jonathan Lyonhart received his PhD from Cambridge University, and is now Assistant Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Lincoln Christian University, as well as a Fellow at the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism and a Co-Host of the Spiritually Incorrect Podcast. He's the author of MonoThreeism: An Absurdly Arrogant Attempt to Answer All the Problems of the Last 2000 Years in One Night at a Pub. Give: Visit our Donate Page if you want to join the big leagues and become a regular donor.

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